It was a pleasant cool morning Raghu woke up from his bed at around 8 O'clock which he thought of was very early. He freshened up and by 8:30 he was ready to go to play .But, he couldn't find his golden ring he searched the whole room but didn't find it.
"Amma!! I lost my ring"cried Raghu
But there was no reply.His mother was on the terrace and could not hear him from the ground floor. To Raghu, It was a really precious ring one that his best friend had gifted him for his birthday. No matter where he went, the ring would always be on his right hand. The ring had the letters R and A engraved on it. R was for Raghu and A was for Anand.That was exactly why he loved the ring so much. By that time mom had come come down.
"Did you see my ring?"Raghu asked his mom running towards her.
"Which Ring?" replied the amused mother '...are you talking about the one Anand gave you?"
"Yes, Yes Please tell me where is it. I searched the whole room and couldn't find it."
"I don't know.It might be fallen somewhere there" Replied the mother not showing the slightest
Raghu went to his room and slammed the door and stared crying.Just then his mother knocked the door and asked him open the door.Raghu then wiped his tears and did so. His mother instructed him to go out to play since the maid had to clean Raghu's room.At last Raghu went out and sat on his father's vintage bike which had almost rusted. Anand spotted his friend and that tears were rolling down his eyes.He ran up to Raghu and questioned him what had happened.Raghu just burst into tears and didn't reply.After 10 mins of crying Raghu was convinced by Anand and some of his other friends named Raju , Rakshith, Anderson and Jon. Soon, The boys were playing
Raghu an opening sixer batsmen got out for 0 this time.He was really upset about the ring.After the match They were all chatting.Anand sundenly noticed noticed Raghu's hand.The ring was missing! Anand still kept quiet and while going home he asked raghu to stay back
"Raghu, what happened to the ring I had given you?"asked Anand
Raghu started crying and then finally replied "Sorry, I lost it and noow I know that your really mad on me and I am really sad I lost such a good friend like you"
"Oh, Raghu don't worry, Do you want another ring?"
Raghu just hugged him tightly and it said it all!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Humming Bird
This picture of the hummer bird was taken out from my bed room window. At 8:30 in the morning as soon as I woke up I looked out of my bedroom window I found this very bird chirping I was trying to capture a pic of this since ages but I never could and today morning atlast, I pull the mesh open ran and got my camera put my hand outside the window and I did it!!!And this I guess is one of the best pics taken by me.But atlast it was a sad ending because I got scolded really badly for I had done. When I showed them this very pic I got more!!!! And I still was happy because I could capture the snap I wanted to since ages
Monday, April 18, 2011
Who can be more principled?

Hey guys, I am back with a new topic. This very morning I found some tiny creatures move along my bedroom's widow pane. I kept on observing them. It was a really good scene a group of four to five of them marched in a straight line to a small piece of biscuit which had dropped nearby then they slowly circled around they spent a mere 10 minutes there in lifting it. They carried it back with utmost carefulness,patience,co-ordination... what else no words to describe them they are the most principled I have ever seen!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
2 Still Lived When 100 Were Killed - Part II- Kidnapped
`The next day I was completely dressed in formals and I was ready to go on a ride to the CBI office.I then called up my friend to ask weather he was ready to come along.He said ok and we decided to go there by an auto.We were really nervous and didn't know what to do. I for moment felt that school would be better.We caught an auto with great difficulty and boarded it.After a long journey we were told that we have almost reached.We just then saw the black BMW X2. Someone from the car smiled at us and I thought It was one of the CBI's personal assistant. Later there was a traffic jam.The CBI's P.A. came to us and told my friend that the CBI offered us a travel with him.I thought of rejecting the offer but even before thinking about that my friend got out to jump into the X2. I had no choice and followed. After, I got in I found that it was not the CBI in there but were some kidnappers who were appointed by the nabs to murder us I was stupefied when I got to know about this. Soon, my friend tried to cry for help and jump out but the two humongous creatures besides you wold not let you do so.Tears were rolling down our eyes since it wold be the last day anyone could see us alive.There were knifes placed in front of our necks. So, now we had no option but stay still. I was thinking of an excuse for escaping but found none.Later, after torturous minutes we reached a place.It was then something really bad happened my friend tried to escape and soon a knife was on his back. They thought he was dead though he wasn't and those hooligans threw him in a huge gutter nearby.He bore the pain and stayed still in the gutter. I wondered how could he do so. The kidnappers threatened murder me also if I planned to escape. I still would do so!! It was night I was tied behind a huge pillar with a really thick rope and I lost all expectations of escaping. After an hour or two saw two men along with a guy of my age got down from a jeep and started walking up to me.On a closer look I found that it was my friend along with two police men who had come to rescue me.I was then revealed. My friend's back was covered with a huge plaster> He walked up to me and said"Don 't worry now you can easily escape". One of the police helped him in freeing me while the other arrested him. We all went back home the next day morning and the police men asked us to come to the CBI office the next day afternoon at 3:00pm in the Red colour Hundai Getz that would be driven by one of the policemen. and if anyone else came we had to ask them for their identity and then only get in.So, now I still was really nervous,scared,tensed...
End Of Part II
Saturday, April 2, 2011
2 Still Lived When 100 Were Killed - Part I - The Attack
It was a cool Monday morning. I was half asleep as I lay on my bed waiting for someone to wake me up.I glanced at the watch and the time was 5:30 which mean I had an hour more to sleep. I just lay on the bed thinking of periods I had that day in school.I found that we had three maths periods that day.So, I had half mind to bunk school that day.I am sure that none of you want to miss your P.E. period and I had already taken 5 days of leave because of viral fever this very academic year.I was determined to go to school.My mom entered the room and woke me up.I woke up and freshened myself and sat on the sofa going through the news paper. I found out that their was a bomb blast in the playground in Mysore and about thirty children were killed and fifty were fighting for there life in the hospital.It seems that the terrorist also threatened the commissioner to attack a place in Bangalore in Bangalore since he had some enemity with the ruling party which was BJP at that time.I later had a shower and headed towards school.It was a long boring day at school.Then I and a few of my friends got into the metro rail.The train suddenly stopped in the middle.My friend and I thought that their was a station since we were not near the window and were standing in the jam-packed train.I managed to find out that the door were not open since nobody tried to get out of the train.I asked my fellow passenger why had the train stopped but he also didn't know.He told that their was no station their. I just then remembered the news I read in the morning.Just as we wondering weather our train had been hi-jacked the train started moving in the reverse direction a voice declared that we all had to surrender or the train would be derailed. Everybody were were silent we had to give all the money we had. We did so but still the nabs directed train out of the track and they jumped out.I and two of my other friends managed to break the glass open and clinged on to the rusted railing of the bridge some how we both escaped. we were about 10m from the ground and down there was the diary circle main road which was covered with vehicles.Now you can guess what would happened if we slipped. at about we could the the metro in which we were traveling fell out of the bridge.Soon,the place was on fire.Now that our hands had begun to sweat we didst know what to do.We believed in the saviour above us.Already some of our friends had reached god during the accident.At last there came a fire engine which helped rescued us.We then had a interview with the people of The times Of India and Bangalore Mirror.We then found out that about 100 people lost their lives and we both were the only survivor. The CBI had called for us the next day.I was really nervous and but also happy that I could miss school.
End Of Part I
Is it worth being on FB?
Facebook is one of the fastest growing social networking websites on the Internet. Each day countless numbers of people flock to and join up with visions of reconnecting with people and having the ability to maintain contact with people they know.
There are many advantages to becoming a Facebook member and once you've successfully integrated yourself as a savvy user you'll see just how Facebook is a great tool to use for many purposes.
That being said, you should be aware there are some significant drawbacks to Facebook as well. After you get started, chances are you'll begin to see the disadvantages. The good news is once you recognize the drawbacks, you can avoid these pitfalls and make your experience an advantageous one.
Here are a few of the top disadvantages of Facebook:
*Time Consuming
Most people find after becoming a Facebook member that interaction tends to become time consuming. If you are hard-pressed for time, it's important to set time limits for yourself or you'll likely find it's highly possible to lose valuable time that could have been more productive elsewhere.
The time consuming aspect of Facebook doesn't have to be a problem as long as you don't let it and stay in control.
*Facebook Addiction
Some people find once they've become immersed in the Facebook culture they become addicted. Depending on your perspective, spending too much time on a single website with nothing else to show at the end of the day may be a huge disadvantage.
Many find once they log into Facebook and begin poking around profiles, walls, groups, applications and the plethora of other activities Facebook offers, hours have gone by. This can become a problem in one's personal or professional life if the time spent on Facebook begins to take hold of one's life.
For those who are prone to log-in constantly all day long to check out what's happening in their circle of Facebook friends, this may become problematic, especially if feeds are sent to e-mail and cell phones with new updates that make constant log-ins compulsory.
A Facebook addiction can be construed as a disadvantage because of inordinate amounts of time spent on the website and self-imposed time limits aren't set. It's important to recognize the addiction signs so a Facebook membership doesn't become a problem.
*Privacy Considerations
Any time you open any sort of online account, you give up a degree of privacy. While most sites the private information you enter remains between you and the website, in the case of, there is potential to expose a lot of personal information on the web for all to see.
On the plus side, Facebook does offer tools to help you mitigate this and control your user experience. By using these tools you can customize how much or how little you want the Facebook, or even the Internet, communities to see.
However no matter how rigid you set your privacy settings, it is important to realize that nothing is foolproof and by joining Facebook you will lose a level of privacy. Always keep in mind you cannot control what interaction happens on your Facebook friends' pages and that you may end up in photos or comments you cannot control. Always be careful what you comment on.
*Risk to Professional Life
Another big downside to social networking sites is that they tend to expose sides of people which are very different from professional personas. Be aware that it is not uncommon for potential employers or current bosses routinely surf social networking sites on applicants or employees.
While you may customize your own settings to keep outsiders from seeing your interactions, as indicated with the privacy issues, you cannot control what happens outside the scope of your own profile page. A friend may post last weekend's party photos highlighting your name or other unflattering images or comments which show up in search results. This can wreak havoc in one's professional life.
For the most part, being a Facebook member can be a great experience as the website is a fun and interesting place to interact. The key to having a successful experience is to be aware of the disadvantages and protect yourself by using the tools Facebook provides and combine this with common sense.
The bottom line is Internet is a public forum and any sort of interaction on Facebook has potential to go outside the scope of your control. However as long as you educate yourself on the disadvantages of Facebook, you can better protect yourself from the drawbacks and have a positive experience as a member.
There are many advantages to becoming a Facebook member and once you've successfully integrated yourself as a savvy user you'll see just how Facebook is a great tool to use for many purposes.
That being said, you should be aware there are some significant drawbacks to Facebook as well. After you get started, chances are you'll begin to see the disadvantages. The good news is once you recognize the drawbacks, you can avoid these pitfalls and make your experience an advantageous one.
Here are a few of the top disadvantages of Facebook:
*Time Consuming
Most people find after becoming a Facebook member that interaction tends to become time consuming. If you are hard-pressed for time, it's important to set time limits for yourself or you'll likely find it's highly possible to lose valuable time that could have been more productive elsewhere.
The time consuming aspect of Facebook doesn't have to be a problem as long as you don't let it and stay in control.
*Facebook Addiction
Some people find once they've become immersed in the Facebook culture they become addicted. Depending on your perspective, spending too much time on a single website with nothing else to show at the end of the day may be a huge disadvantage.
Many find once they log into Facebook and begin poking around profiles, walls, groups, applications and the plethora of other activities Facebook offers, hours have gone by. This can become a problem in one's personal or professional life if the time spent on Facebook begins to take hold of one's life.
For those who are prone to log-in constantly all day long to check out what's happening in their circle of Facebook friends, this may become problematic, especially if feeds are sent to e-mail and cell phones with new updates that make constant log-ins compulsory.
A Facebook addiction can be construed as a disadvantage because of inordinate amounts of time spent on the website and self-imposed time limits aren't set. It's important to recognize the addiction signs so a Facebook membership doesn't become a problem.
*Privacy Considerations
Any time you open any sort of online account, you give up a degree of privacy. While most sites the private information you enter remains between you and the website, in the case of, there is potential to expose a lot of personal information on the web for all to see.
On the plus side, Facebook does offer tools to help you mitigate this and control your user experience. By using these tools you can customize how much or how little you want the Facebook, or even the Internet, communities to see.
However no matter how rigid you set your privacy settings, it is important to realize that nothing is foolproof and by joining Facebook you will lose a level of privacy. Always keep in mind you cannot control what interaction happens on your Facebook friends' pages and that you may end up in photos or comments you cannot control. Always be careful what you comment on.
*Risk to Professional Life
Another big downside to social networking sites is that they tend to expose sides of people which are very different from professional personas. Be aware that it is not uncommon for potential employers or current bosses routinely surf social networking sites on applicants or employees.
While you may customize your own settings to keep outsiders from seeing your interactions, as indicated with the privacy issues, you cannot control what happens outside the scope of your own profile page. A friend may post last weekend's party photos highlighting your name or other unflattering images or comments which show up in search results. This can wreak havoc in one's professional life.
For the most part, being a Facebook member can be a great experience as the website is a fun and interesting place to interact. The key to having a successful experience is to be aware of the disadvantages and protect yourself by using the tools Facebook provides and combine this with common sense.
The bottom line is Internet is a public forum and any sort of interaction on Facebook has potential to go outside the scope of your control. However as long as you educate yourself on the disadvantages of Facebook, you can better protect yourself from the drawbacks and have a positive experience as a member.
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